Behind the Mind: The Science of Bias

Welcome to Behind the Mind! I’m a student who researches neuroscience and can explain in less than 4 minutes why our minds can make silly mistakes and how you can avoid them. Discover the inner workings of your mind, fast and easy. Hit subscribe for quick insights! 🧠

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Episode 20: G.I. Joe Fallacy

Sunday Aug 13, 2023

Sunday Aug 13, 2023

Having listened to many of these episodes, do you think you have overcome these biases? Or do you think that these biases are built into the workings of our mind and that we cannot overcome them? Or rather, somewhere in between?

Monday Aug 07, 2023

Ever found yourself completely convinced that you aced a test, only to find that you scored much lower than expected? Or have you ever been shocked to realize you were wrong on something you thought was an undeniable fact? Maybe it was even embarrassing to find out?

Monday Jul 31, 2023

Ever wondered why a project might take longer when you allot time to individual tasks? Or why you buy more groceries when you make a list? Or how budgeting individual expenses may not turn out as expected?

Monday Jul 24, 2023

Why do some of us believe in pseudosciences? Why do some horoscopes seem to be eerily accurate? Are all personality tests as objective and descriptive as we think?

Episode 16: Declinism

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Why do we always talk about “the good old days”? And why do we fear what the future holds for society? Why do we believe we are so much worse off than we were a few decades ago?

Episode 15: Frequency Illusion

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Why do we suddenly start seeing a particular car model on the road all the time after we've bought one? Why does a word we just learned seem to appear everywhere? Why are we surprised when we need to apply a concept we recently learned in another context?

Sunday Jun 18, 2023

The sound of the rhyme makes ideas stick, our judgments influenced, our choices quick. It's like the rhyme grants wisdom and sense, even when logic may be on the fence.

Sunday Jun 04, 2023

Why is repetition such an important literary device? Why does propaganda work better than it would seem to? Why do familiar statements feel more true than unfamiliar ones?

Monday May 29, 2023

Why do some of us believe in tarot card readings and horoscopes? Why do some people only focus on the successful games of their favorite sports teams? Why do we feel a sense of validation when our already existing ideas are supported?

Episode 11: Hard-Easy Effect

Sunday May 21, 2023

Sunday May 21, 2023

Why do we sign ourselves up for tasks we end up having difficulty completing? Why do we sometimes embarrass ourselves with seemingly easy tasks? Why do we overestimate our ability to complete challenging tasks and underestimate our ability to complete easy ones?


Behind the Mind: The Science of Bias

I am Mia Mandorla, an NYC 10th grader who is passionate about cognitive biases. As I am growing my knowledge base about the subject, I want to share my journey with you on this podcast. Feel free to comment!

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